It was sweltering hot today! At 10:00am it was 24 degrees. We hit a high of 35degrees (plus humidity) at 5:30. So, off we went to play at the beach. It was gorgeous and enough breeze and lots of water to keep comfortable (barely!).
Of course we did not pack "beach stuff", so I had to buy a beach umbrella for my fair Scottish skin! The beach was relatively quiet as is everywhere around here. I had a chance to do a little "family" reading today. While in Capre Breton I picked up a book on the genealogy of the MacDonalds callled "Fair is the Place". It is the family history/genealogy of our MacDonald family (my grandmother MacDonnalds side) from (somewhat) present day back to the 1600's. Very interesting! I can't wait to share with all the family back home!
We picked the perfect time to visit. Kids have started back to school and the season is winding down. PEI is very different from Novas Scotia but beautiful in its own way. Gorgeous farmland and rolling hills down to the ocean. We are still consuming as much fresh seafood as we can handle, like preparing for the winter hibernation.
We are now having a relaxing evening, sitting outside in the garden area of the motel, with vino in hand, updating the blog.
Steve has been checking our real estate in case we win the lottery and don't go back home, but more likely retirement planning.
We hope to get an early (Steve's idea not mine) start in the morning heading to the North Cape (west side of PEI) and start our journey back home.
So goodnight from PEI.
From the road, S & S